Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Youngling Ezequiel

The one grandson that lives with me has started day care today at Oxford Academy.

You see he always had a babysitter where it was just him and her. Her name is Erika and I think he was in love with her. Any dark haired girl he would see he would call out his version of her name "Eka" and everytime he saw the scene in ROTS where Padme crys after C3PO tells her that "Master Anakin returned to the Jedi Temple" that was burning, he would always say "What's wrong Eka". Maybe this is the real reason he loves certain scenes from ROTS so much. He knows a pretty girl when he sees one.

I used to take him to the babysitter in the morning and pick him up on my return from work. Every morning while I dressed for work I had to pop one of the SW movies in the DVD for him. He especially likes ANH.

It was kind of hard for me because he's ten handfuls but I had company in the car and he made me play the ROTS CD every day, both routes b/c he loves the music. It seemed to transport him to the GFFA as he would sit so still and sometimes shout out certain names of characters depending on what track was playing. If I started to hum to the music he would put his finger on his lips and "SHHH" me. He wanted no distractions. He's a serious SW music listener.

My point is, I'm missing his company and it's only been one day b/c he's the only person at home that shares my love of SW. That's the problem with having grandchildren so close to you, when the time comes for them to take another path it hurts your heart and it's sad. My good friend Granny-Wan will testify to this.

But it's time for him to learn nursery rhymes, children's songs and play with
kids his own age. I'm pretty sure that in no time he'll be teaching his playmates the ways of The Force even if he's only 3. After all, he's going to be a Jedi one day!!!!

Pic of future Jedi with his lightsaber...


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