Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Anakin' s confusion before he turned to the Dark Side.....

When I watch ROTS I identify with Anakin. I feel like I totally understand him and the pain he is going through.

The confusion caused by all of the problems he had swimming around in his head reminds me of some times of confusion I have lived through in my life. I'm sure Anakin felt like the rope in a tug-of-war where The Dark Side/Palpatine and The Jedi Order are pulling against each other at opposite ends in their struggle for supremacy. His problems were pulling him apart. It was too much for him to handle.

Hiding his marriage from the Jedi. What would happen if they found out?

Padme's pregnancy and his fear of her death. How would he live without her? Would his baby die with her? What would happen if she died and the baby survived? Did he think if he could save Padme's life he would also be saving his baby's life and his own?

The Jedi Council asks him to spy on the Chancellor. Why he must of asked himself when he so trusted Palpatine. How could he betray his mentor, his friend?

The Jedi Council's refusal to make him a Master. Why didn't they trust him?

Why didn't Mace Windu let him accompany them to arrest Palpatine when he practically begged him?

How could he let Mace Windu kill the only person who could help him save his wife's life?

All of these feelings/questions/doubts were running through his mind.

Problems have a way of taking over our minds and life for a time until we can see clear to a reasonable solution. We don't always make the right decisions and at times we make what we believe to be the right decisions only to have it cause a different or bigger problem.

I am not justifying Anakin's turn to The Dark SIde or his evil deeds. I'm just trying to explain why I understand him and why I feel sorry for him.


P.S. On a happy note, my daughter bought me a Star Wars Friends of the Force coloring book that includes Galatic-Size Activities. I'm going to have fun with this. Why not, I still color.

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