Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I'm a little under the weather and the medicine my doctor presribed is kicking my butt. The cure is worse than the sickness. I've been in bed most of the day, but I'm not a bed person. I can't sit still. I must have something to do besides sleeping and watching movies. So now I decided to take out my trusty laptop and explore

You see for the past few days I have been thinking how to incorporate the song "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence in to a blog without writing out the verses to the song. I wasn't sure that could be done here so I went to youtube and found a SW related video with this track.

I have a page on myspace and it's theme is SW......Anakin to be precise. The music I picked for my page is the song titled in this entry. In my mind/fantasy this song describes Anakin's crys as he's trapped in Darth Vader's suit. I strongly disagree with Obi-Wan in the OT when he tells Luke "he's more machine now than man". Only Darth Vader's limbs are mechanical and he needed apparatus to help him breath. But I believe Vader has the most important part of the body that is the torso which houses the heart and soul. I like to think that Anakin is buried deep down inside DV's wretched, vengeful heart.

For me the song tells about a person who is frozen inside, without a soul, living a lie, nothing inside, waiting for a certain someone to wake him up inside, save him and bring him to life. There are quite a few videos on youtube with this track but I picked this video only b/c it mostly portrays Anakin & Padme. The title on the youtube video reads Bring (her) Back to Life, but I think of it the other way around.

Listen to the words of the song and tell me what you think. It will only take 4:45 minutes of your time.

I won't be answering any comments tonight b/c I'm going back to bed (what am I saying, I'm in bed) and it's late over here on the southeast coast, but I'll check in sometime tomorrow. I just wanted to get this "on paper " so to speak so the idea will leave me alone.

Cinemax is airing A New Hope right will lull me to sleep.


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