Wednesday, July 04, 2007


About 3 weeks ago I put all my worldly possessions in storage and moved down to my oldest daughter's home in Miami. I am now sharing a room with Gaby and Baby...two of my granddaughters.

When packing up I had to make the decision of what was absolutely necessary to take inasmuch as I didn't have much space. What was a walk-in closet full of clothes and shoes, etc. has turned in to half a regular closet with 5-6 pairs of pants/jeans, 2 dresses, 5-6 blouses and 6 pairs of shoes and a robe. The 13 drawers I used to fill now consist of 4, one of the 4 is holding what I will be packing for C4 and the other 3 hold my beauty products which consist of a blower and brush, various body and face creams, make-up, 2 perfumes and my unmentionables. I have exactly what I need to survive and I'm happy.

Anakin said possessions are forbidden? didn't he? It just means a person doesn't need much or material possessions to be happy!!!! I always knew that but somehow the meaning just got lost along the broken road.



A New Hope was released in 1977 when I was 24. Can you imagine how many sci-fi flicks I had seen before 1977?

One of my favorite movies of all time besides SW is Jason & the Argonauts. I was 10 when the 1963 film version was released in movie theaters. For those of you who weren't around in 1963...the movie is based on a legend in Greek Mythology. Jason, rightful heir to the throne of IOLCUS, makes a voyage to retrieve a ''Golden Fleece" that once belonged to the kingdom and was in the "possession" of the Kingdom of Colchis. Only by returning the Golden Fleece to Iolcus would the throne be returned to him by his evil half uncle who murdered his father. With the help and challenges of the gods...Zeus, Aphrodite , Hera, Eros, Athena, his quest to find the Golden Fleece was accomplished. (His story is much longer but I only give you what this movie covers.)

I don't know much about special effects at all, but I can say that this movie would probably have benefited from ILM technology. Only being 10 at the time, I sat in awe as I watched harpes (winged beasts with the head & breasts of a woman and the body of a bird) swoop down on a blind man, a humongous crowned water creature (I believe it was Poseidon) rise out of the sea to steady floating rocks that otherwise would have smashed Jason's ship to pieces, a multiple headed fire-breathing dragon Jason had to kill, giant statues and skeleton warriors with swords coming to life to duel with the brave captain and his Argonauts. This movie so impressed me I thought to myself right then and there, if I ever have a son I will name him Jason. My oldest son Jason is now 34 years old.

There were other "sci-fi" movies that I really liked....The Forbidden Planet, where Robbie the talking Robot (from Lost in Space TV show fame) was first introduced and the Godzilla movie from the 60's whose special effect was a plastic monster walking around in a "dollhouse" city, yet the movie was so good. I especially liked the Godzilla vs. Mothra movie with Mothra the "flying moth"...strings attached. I'm sure these classic movies would have been spectacular had ILM existed then, but as they are there is nothing like them. They are classics and I still watch these movies. I love them, they're part of MY pop culture.

GL has created flying starships with no cables attached, alien creatures, jumping Jedi and slithering Jabba the Hutt that doesn't look ridiculous or fake. One of the reasons the SW Saga has the following it does is due to HIS special effects. Can you imagine the Death Star hanging by a thread in mid-air?

Yes after 1977, sci-fi movies changed for the better and I consider myself lucky to be around for the "before & after".



I'm a little under the weather and the medicine my doctor presribed is kicking my butt. The cure is worse than the sickness. I've been in bed most of the day, but I'm not a bed person. I can't sit still. I must have something to do besides sleeping and watching movies. So now I decided to take out my trusty laptop and explore

You see for the past few days I have been thinking how to incorporate the song "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence in to a blog without writing out the verses to the song. I wasn't sure that could be done here so I went to youtube and found a SW related video with this track.

I have a page on myspace and it's theme is SW......Anakin to be precise. The music I picked for my page is the song titled in this entry. In my mind/fantasy this song describes Anakin's crys as he's trapped in Darth Vader's suit. I strongly disagree with Obi-Wan in the OT when he tells Luke "he's more machine now than man". Only Darth Vader's limbs are mechanical and he needed apparatus to help him breath. But I believe Vader has the most important part of the body that is the torso which houses the heart and soul. I like to think that Anakin is buried deep down inside DV's wretched, vengeful heart.

For me the song tells about a person who is frozen inside, without a soul, living a lie, nothing inside, waiting for a certain someone to wake him up inside, save him and bring him to life. There are quite a few videos on youtube with this track but I picked this video only b/c it mostly portrays Anakin & Padme. The title on the youtube video reads Bring (her) Back to Life, but I think of it the other way around.

Listen to the words of the song and tell me what you think. It will only take 4:45 minutes of your time.

I won't be answering any comments tonight b/c I'm going back to bed (what am I saying, I'm in bed) and it's late over here on the southeast coast, but I'll check in sometime tomorrow. I just wanted to get this "on paper " so to speak so the idea will leave me alone.

Cinemax is airing A New Hope right will lull me to sleep.


Padme's love and compassion for Anakin cost her her life

"I've been dying a little every day since you came back into my life". Everyone knows know this line from AOTC where Padme reveals her love to Anakin just before entering the Arena where they would probably face death.

In the AOTC novel I read Padme had hopes and dreams of getting married and having a family. A normal family. But marrying Anakin was not the path to having a normal family. He was a Jedi, a person who wasn't supposed to have a family life, love or children and she knew this and still married him. He was away alot, a hardship for her I'm sure but she was strong and loved him so that she quietly stood around waiting for him forgetting all she previously hoped and dreamed for in her life. Or did she wish and hope that Anakin was the person to share these dreams with in her life. Her love for Anakin took her to her grave.

That's one mighty love. How does a person LOVE THAT MUCH!!! But then again, we're talking about a GFFA and it's not real. Or is it???

A few years ago I had hopes and dreams of living a quiet life now that my children are grown and able to take care of themselves. I wanted my own apartment something I've never had, so to speak...I've lived alone but raised kids. I dreamt of not having to deal anymore with kids consantly, more economic freedom..older people spend less especially on food. I dreamt of a neat "at all times" apartment. Never having to deal with sick children or homework again. I never thought I would have opinioned, needy grown children in my life at my age.

But somehow my dreams have been thrown to the wayside through no fault of my own. If the love and welfare of a loved one (or ones) has changed your way of life, changed your dreams what are you to do? Tell that person goodbye, farwell, don't call me, I'll call you? Or do you keep on trucking down the path that is set before you b/c you know that if you don't help that person(s) their live(s) will become a disaster and who could live with the guilt of knowing you abandoned that person(s) in their times of need just so you could continue your planned course or dreams in life. Anyway the person (s) could find you no matter where you go.

I'm sure many people have had to put their dreams on hold b/c real life had other plans for them. It's not anyones just happens.

I've often thought why didn't Padme hightail her pregnant butt out of Courasant go to Naboo and hide in the lake country somewhere? What was Padme's purpose in going to Mustafar after hearing all the evil doings Anakin had done from Obi-Wan a trusted friend?

LOVE, that's why??? So Padme died physically in the GFFA. But if these things happen in real life...a part of you dies along with your hopes and dreams.



At the end of every year I like to clean my closet. Take the clothes I have not worn in the year, fold them in a neat pile and if they are in good condition take them to the Salvation Army. It's my way of getting rid of the clutter in my closet. As I get older I feel the need to get rid of the excess, "travel light". Except when it comes to SW stuff.

My SW "collection" now sits all over my closet. Notice the quotation marks around the word collection. That's b/c it's really not much as I have just started this "madness" 7 months ago. At this time I can't put them on display anywhere in my home.......can't play with them out in the open either. You all know I have 2 grandchildren living with me and 3 year old Che loves SW. That means anything SW he sees, he wants. He can't read yet, but he sure knows the SW logo when he sees it. The toys in my closet are off limits but they sometimes call him and when I'm not looking he gets in there and grabs something. When he sees I have noticed he has one, he goes running and I run after him. "Oh no, that's mine" I say and he yells "no, mine". I go get my daughter and complain to her "your son was in my closet again". Only when it comes to my SW toys is he "her son", otherwise he's "my grandson". It's hilarious watching us run around the house. Him hiding from me with the SW goody he found and me running after him and my daughter running after me telling me "let him play with it for a while". Which I do, but I watch him like a hawk eyeballing his next meal. I won't take my eyes off him until he gets tired of it and as soon as he lets it go, I grab it and return it to its dark place in my closet. I can only take them out to play late at night when he's sleeping. I have another Lego to build, a TIE fighter that I'll probably put together after midnight on Dec. 24. This way I won't feel useless while my daughter is assembling all the "assembly needed" toys Santa brings for the kids.

I'm going to take an inventory of my toys and type it out here in my journal before I put them in a box. I'm hoping by mid-year 2007 to find some kind of cabinet with glass doors that has a lock where I can put all my SW stuff. I'll put it on display somewhere in my home.....and let the fighting begin.



Anakin' s confusion before he turned to the Dark Side.....

When I watch ROTS I identify with Anakin. I feel like I totally understand him and the pain he is going through.

The confusion caused by all of the problems he had swimming around in his head reminds me of some times of confusion I have lived through in my life. I'm sure Anakin felt like the rope in a tug-of-war where The Dark Side/Palpatine and The Jedi Order are pulling against each other at opposite ends in their struggle for supremacy. His problems were pulling him apart. It was too much for him to handle.

Hiding his marriage from the Jedi. What would happen if they found out?

Padme's pregnancy and his fear of her death. How would he live without her? Would his baby die with her? What would happen if she died and the baby survived? Did he think if he could save Padme's life he would also be saving his baby's life and his own?

The Jedi Council asks him to spy on the Chancellor. Why he must of asked himself when he so trusted Palpatine. How could he betray his mentor, his friend?

The Jedi Council's refusal to make him a Master. Why didn't they trust him?

Why didn't Mace Windu let him accompany them to arrest Palpatine when he practically begged him?

How could he let Mace Windu kill the only person who could help him save his wife's life?

All of these feelings/questions/doubts were running through his mind.

Problems have a way of taking over our minds and life for a time until we can see clear to a reasonable solution. We don't always make the right decisions and at times we make what we believe to be the right decisions only to have it cause a different or bigger problem.

I am not justifying Anakin's turn to The Dark SIde or his evil deeds. I'm just trying to explain why I understand him and why I feel sorry for him.


P.S. On a happy note, my daughter bought me a Star Wars Friends of the Force coloring book that includes Galatic-Size Activities. I'm going to have fun with this. Why not, I still color.

Lil Ani, Lil Ani, What have you done

Hope you all had a swell week-end. My family and I went down to Marathon Key. It's a 3-1/2 hour drive from my home. My girls drove so I had a lot of time on my hands. The following is what I did with that time. BTW, this poem carries VIAGOANGEL's "SEAL OF APPROVAL". She was kind enough to let me use her as a sounding board. Thanks ANGEL. Here goes.

Little Ani had tresses of gold
You are The Chosen One he was told
You will learn Jedi ways, the rest of your days
But the Council thought him too old.

Obi-Wan said "Him I will teach"
Jedi Knighthood he will soon reach
But on the way, he married Padme
The Jedi Code this caused him to breach.

Now Padme's with child, oh my,
Ani dreamt that she would soon die
Palpatine gave advice how to save his wife
To The Dark Side turned this Jedi.

Darth Vader is now Ani's name
All thru the Galaxy spread his fame
Looking for Rebels, those nasty devils
He thought they were easy to tame.

The Emperor advised this Dark Lord
This boy Luke is your son he roared
Searched his feelings he did, and found it no fib
A new ally for The Dark side I'll score.

Luke remembered advice from Obi
To the Dagobah System go thee
Learn Jedi Ways from earlier days
Then strong with The Force you will be

With Yoda, the best of the Masters
Luke learned The Force ways much faster
Fight Vader he must, in The Force he would trust
To help bring down this Dark Master.

On the Death Star, the final duel
Between Father and son only a tool
To Coax Luke to the Dark Side, Darth Sidious tried
But young Skywalker was no fool.

Father help me Luke cried out
There's still good in you, I have no doubt
Redemption you need, please my cries heed
And save me from this painful bout.

Darth Vader his son's cries did heed
Killing Sidious felt remorse for past deeds
You were right about me and I now can see
The Light is all that I need.


Youngling Ezequiel

The one grandson that lives with me has started day care today at Oxford Academy.

You see he always had a babysitter where it was just him and her. Her name is Erika and I think he was in love with her. Any dark haired girl he would see he would call out his version of her name "Eka" and everytime he saw the scene in ROTS where Padme crys after C3PO tells her that "Master Anakin returned to the Jedi Temple" that was burning, he would always say "What's wrong Eka". Maybe this is the real reason he loves certain scenes from ROTS so much. He knows a pretty girl when he sees one.

I used to take him to the babysitter in the morning and pick him up on my return from work. Every morning while I dressed for work I had to pop one of the SW movies in the DVD for him. He especially likes ANH.

It was kind of hard for me because he's ten handfuls but I had company in the car and he made me play the ROTS CD every day, both routes b/c he loves the music. It seemed to transport him to the GFFA as he would sit so still and sometimes shout out certain names of characters depending on what track was playing. If I started to hum to the music he would put his finger on his lips and "SHHH" me. He wanted no distractions. He's a serious SW music listener.

My point is, I'm missing his company and it's only been one day b/c he's the only person at home that shares my love of SW. That's the problem with having grandchildren so close to you, when the time comes for them to take another path it hurts your heart and it's sad. My good friend Granny-Wan will testify to this.

But it's time for him to learn nursery rhymes, children's songs and play with
kids his own age. I'm pretty sure that in no time he'll be teaching his playmates the ways of The Force even if he's only 3. After all, he's going to be a Jedi one day!!!!

Pic of future Jedi with his lightsaber...


What good is The Force if the Dark Side clouded everything and what good was the Dark Side for a Sith Lord

On the subject of SW, some days I'm in a Jedi way of thinking and other days I'm a Dark Lord"-ess". The following thoughts have been running through my mind.

The Jedi use Tne Force for good, but what good could they do if the Dark Side clouded everything.

Qui-gon only saw Little Anakin as "The Chosen One". He didn't see the route he would take to fulfill this prophecy. Little Anakin standing with Qui-gon in front of the Jedi Counsel. Yoda comments on how clouded this little boy's future is.

The Jedi did not sense: the creation of the Clone Army, Count Dooku turning to the Dark Side, Shmi dying and the effect it would have on Anakin, Anakin and Padme's marriage (they had their doubts about throwing them together in the first place but......nothing else was done or said), Palpatine being the Sith Lord, Anakin's inner turmoil, Padme's pregnancy (till it was too late), Anakin's turn to the Dark Side, Padme's death, the destruction of the Jedi Order and the Chancellor's eventual dictatorship. Whew!!! Wipes forehead. If I forgot something, fill me in.

Tell me what good did The Force do for for the Jedi but have them scurrying around the Galaxy as peacekeepers only to find the Dark Side was one step ahead of them.

The Dark Side manipulated all of the above. You can say that's one of the good things the Dark Side did for the Sith, got them into power, but after the Republic fell that knowledge didn't do the Sith much good either.

The knowledge of the Dark Side only got the Emperor approximately 20??yes??no??? years of reign. Considering how long it took him to overthrow the Republic 20 years is a short reign. Turning to the Dark Side didn't save Padme, which was the principal reason Anakin turned. The Emperor either didn't know that DV's children survived or knew and hid it from DV. I believe the Emperor didn't know b/c he would have sought them out from the beginning to either kill them or turn them to the Dark Side. If the Emperor knew so much why didn't he crush the Rebels before they had a chance to recruit a little "army" against him. The Emperor didn't even entertain the possibility of being killed by his most loyal apprentice.

During all those years neither The Force nor the Dark Side did anyone any good. I might say that the Dark Side did more for the Sith than The Force did for The Jedi.

Oh. The Force redeemed itself by producing Luke who brought Anakin back to the light in order to fulfill his destiny as "The Chose One". Other than that, both The Force and The Dark Side only brought destruction and death to the Galaxy.