Friday, April 20, 2007

Whose that lady?????Jedilily1026

I'm the 4th of the "girls" who love Anakins character to do this, so for the LILWA and for all my friends here.......

I was born in NYC Bellevue Hosptial. Taken from my mom at birth and placed with a foster family inasmuch as mom was very sick. (But that's another story). In 3 months I'll be 54. The Beatles came on the scene when I was 9. I was in the 6th grade when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated and in high school when man first walked on the Moon and when the NY Mets won their first World Series. Attended Catholic school from kindin to graduation from high school. Never went to college.

At age 19 I left the big city & moved to the island of my ancestors, Puerto Rico. There I finally met my biological father at the age of 22. (That too is another story). My paternal grandparents had a dairy farm in PR. I remember them fondly although I wasn't raised with them.

I married a man 12 yrs my older. Have 4 children, 2 boys now ages 34 & 29, 2 girls 27 & 21. Separated but never divorced. He died in 1997.

Returned to the States in '98. Florida (not Miami). I couldn't return to the cold north. Re-married in 2001, now separated & as you all know getting
a divorce. It's just as well, he never liked or understood SW anyway. Neither of us has filed yet. I guess we're just waiting on each other.

I've been an office worker for 32 years. Presently manage the office, including the accounting, for a small printing press roller company all by myself. I like working alone. I'm kind of a loner. I read, write & speak Spanish also.

I have 12 grandkids ranging in ages 2 to14. 7 boys and 5 girls.The oldest was born with severe cerebal palsey. I don't get to see him as he lives in PR, but he lives in my heart. He's an angel. My youngest daughter lives with me along with her husband and 2 kids. I get to see 3 more of my grandkids frequently as my other daughter & her family live in Miami. My boys live in PR.

In '77 saw ANH. Then went to see ESB&ROTJ when they appeared in the movies. I remember hiding out in the lobby during the ROTJ scene with Jabba the Hutt. I couldn't take it, it made me so nauseous I had to leave until the scene was over. Now I watch it with no problem. I really liked the OT movies but keeping up with my kid's school activities, baseball, boxing, basketball, dancing, my job, etc. I never had the time to become a big fan.
Last year when I heard ROTS was coming out I realized I'd never seen TPM or AOTC. I rented them before seeing ROTS and upon seeing ROTS 5x's in the movies I got hooked b/c of Ani & Padme's love story & here I am. SW is a fantasy and one is never too old to live a fantasy.

Fav. Characaters: PT-Anakin & Padme. OT-Han Solo
Least Fav Character: Jabba the Hutt
Fav Scene PT: AOTC when Padme tells Anakin she loves him (although Anakin shirtless dream in ROTS ain't bad at all). An old lady can dream can't she.
Fav Scene OT: When Luke tells DV he can feel the good in him.
Fav Movie OT: ROTJ FAV Movie PT: toss up b/w AOTC& ROTS
Collect: Action figures and anything else I can get my hands on that's SW related.

Being on this SW site with all of you makes me feel part of the SW family and hope one day we will all meet in a galaxy far, far away. God Bless & MTFBWY ALL

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