Friday, April 20, 2007

STAR WARS. No, not the movie.

Recently on the front page of a rag tabloid the words Starwars caught my eye. As anything SW stops me in my tracks, I stopped and looked but it had nothing to do with the Galaxy I love so much.

The article had to to with the recent wave of TV personalities leaving the "limelight" or just moving on to different shows. Why can't they just say goodbye and leave already? I'm not glued to the TV set and I'm sure most of the fans here aren't either. But I've seen some of the antics these so called stars are pulling just by flipping through the channels on TV.

Some examples: "Star" resigned at the wrong time p---ing off Barbara then goes on "Larry" pleading her case only p---ing Barbara off a little more. "Connie" propped on top of a piano singing "Thanks for the Memories". What possessed her to make such a fool of herself. She can't sing worth a damn and is certainly not a comedian. Katie, from that morning show, has been saying goodbye for months now with montages of her work, champagne parties and other celebrities singing her praises. And "Meredith" from that show (you know the name...look around) whipping out an underpant with the faces of her co-hosts ironed on the backside. What causes this behaviour??? Why are they so full of themselves??? And who cares?????? I don't. I'm just using this this as an example of what COULD have happened in a movie like SW EP3.

Padme, a main character in the PT had to leave. Now I not stating that any of the personalities mentioned above should leave by dying. Please remember SW is a fantasy and none of the actors really died in the movies. Just Imagine if you will, Padme after Anakin's turning, before giving birth and before dying, pleading her case before the Senate and having the whole Galaxy feel her pain of Anakin's betrayal?. What if she went to a local club on Courasant and posed on top of a piano singing "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne. Or gave a montage of her finest moments in the Senate. No, I don't think so. I felt she was a humble worman for a Queen and a Senator and none of these scenarios would have been in her character. Maybe some of these real TV characters should take this example. Leave quietly with dignity and get out of our faces.

I also have a question and hope you can give your opinions?? What did Padme die of? She was perfectly healthy. Not even the responsibility of raising her children saved her and that's most women's first priority. Broken heart???? Ashamed of her "liaison" with Anankin after his evildoings. Not able to live with the criticism???? After seeing the movie in the theatre, I thought why did she have to die. Couldn't GL make the funeral procession scene a hoax to mislead the Sith until the 2 remaining Jedi had a chance to hide her and the twins. But it would not have been in sync with the OT. I can only imagine what could have happened if she had the chance to live.

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