Friday, April 20, 2007


CONGRATS to MO2YP & P77. I see your blogs' on the front page.

Just a report on my week-end adventure to MGM-FL for SW week-end. Stayed at HOJO, got a good rate on-line $49.95 a night. DId you ever notice the cheaper the hotel the worse the towels. They were like small
pieces of sand paper. My daugther and her two padawans ages 2&4 accompanied me. How they can scream and cry so much in 9 hours is beyond me. Found myself getting a little nervous.

Anyway, MGM packed. Lots of costumed characters walking around. Darth Maul, Palpy with his guards, Anakin scar on face & all who, by the way, looked quite like HC but shorter. Took a double-take. Got my picture taken with the biggest Darth Vader I've ever seen. Lines were too long to see the featured actors but I got pictures. I'm not computer savy so can't post any of them.

I didn't get into Millionaire-SW version b/c it was packed. Did see the interview Warwick Davis had with Rick McCallum, J Bullock & T.Morrison.
The voice of Obi-Wan interrupting at key moments during the interview. When they all put on gold sequened Mickey Mouse ears and sang & danced the MM Club theme Obi-Wan's voice says " I sense a great distrubance in the force". Very funny. Jango Fett & Boba Fett poking fun at each other as father & son. They also showed clips of the movies.

I bought a Jedi Mickey, a SW t-shirt (my first) and a plastic light saber for my 2 yr old grandson. Most of the stuff was half off. Only E-Wok key chains were available. Not too much merchandise for sale. I bought a SW mug for my coffee in the morning. Now maybe the force will accompany me all day long. I could use it, especially this week.

Well, very tired. So much walking & sweating in that heat. Also the driving 3 hours to & from. I need a week to rest. I'll put a sign on my desk. "GO AWAY". BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. SOOO sorry.... if I bored you all. MTFBWU ALL.

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