Saturday, April 21, 2007

A blog about blogs

Every morning before getting in my car and driving to work, I take 5-10 minutes of my time to peruse the blogging section. Gone are the childeren to get ready for day care or school, gone is the husband to get off to work, so why not use some time to entertain myself. I deserve my free time now that my journey in life has lessened my obligations.

This morning there were quite a few to read. I read 2 short ones, one asking DViconte to return and one re Darkside Consquences. Didn't have time for much more. I saw K-fan's blog re Order 66. I can't rush read K-Fan's material. I'll wait until I get home from work to read it along with another blog "From Russia with the Force" by britishjedi.

Blogs can be very short, short, medium or long in length. Everytime I get on this site I find different types of material to read. There are blogs about costume making, movie reviews, Anakin & Padme's tragic love (which are my favorites), about boyfriends or lack of them, drawings, jokes, spacecrafts, pets, dreams, OT, PT, divorce, children, weddings, vacations, shopping, religion, celebrating someones birthday and on and on. Then you have the Mods and other various Lucas writers.

On this site we have philosophers, theologians, ranters & ravers, t--d off people, morbid people, comedians, some who are very good at creative writing, some that are not and on and on.

There are a lot of bloggers in these parts and I try to read most of them (I admit I don't read video game blogs, I don't video game) or at least give them the once over because I feel that if a blogger put it out there for everyone to see, it obviously means something to them.

My point is that there is always something here to read, and I enjoy reading most of the blogs even if it is regarding "Who shot first--Han or Greedo" or "Why is Mace's lightsaber purple?"


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