Saturday, April 07, 2007


Star Wars is my love. When I was younger about 24-25 years old, A New Hope, the first SW movie, were released. It was a phenomenon. Something never seen before on the big screen. Years later The Empire Strikes Back and about 3 years after that Return of the Jedi was released. I do remember taking 3 of my 4 children (the youngest wasn't even thought of at that time) to the movie theater to see Return of the Jedi. The scenes with Jabba the Hut made me so nauseous that I had to retreat to the lobby of the theater until the scene was over. Funny huh.

At that time I was not a fan. Oh, I knew of the movies, been to the movies when they were first released and some of the characters but that was all I had time for raising 4 kids at the time.

Now my children are grown and I have so much time on my hands. In 2005 just before the release of Revenge of the Sith was released (btw Revenge of the Sith is the last movie of the Prequel Trilogy) and since I had not seen Episode 1 and 2, The Phantom Menance and Attack of the Clones respectively, I decided to rent them. I loved them, especially the love story between Anakin and Padme. When I saw Revenge of the Sith I was totally hooked.

A year later I joined Hyperspace, the Star Wars Official Fan Club and opened a blog there. I post blogs over there now and again. I must say I have found a lot of interesting friends from all over this country (US) and in Holland, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico well from almost everywhere.These friends all share a love of Star Wars. I'm having the time of my life.

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