Every morning before getting in my car and driving to work, I take 5-10 minutes of my time to peruse the SW.com blogging section. Gone are the childeren to get ready for day care or school, gone is the husband to get off to work, so why not use some time to entertain myself. I deserve my free time now that my journey in life has lessened my obligations.
This morning there were quite a few to read. I read 2 short ones, one asking DViconte to return and one re Darkside Consquences. Didn't have time for much more. I saw K-fan's blog re Order 66. I can't rush read K-Fan's material. I'll wait until I get home from work to read it along with another blog "From Russia with the Force" by britishjedi.
Blogs can be very short, short, medium or long in length. Everytime I get on this site I find different types of material to read. There are blogs about costume making, movie reviews, Anakin & Padme's tragic love (which are my favorites), about boyfriends or lack of them, drawings, jokes, spacecrafts, pets, dreams, OT, PT, divorce, children, weddings, vacations, shopping, religion, celebrating someones birthday and on and on. Then you have the Mods and other various Lucas writers.
On this site we have philosophers, theologians, ranters & ravers, t--d off people, morbid people, comedians, some who are very good at creative writing, some that are not and on and on.
There are a lot of bloggers in these parts and I try to read most of them (I admit I don't read video game blogs, I don't video game) or at least give them the once over because I feel that if a blogger put it out there for everyone to see, it obviously means something to them.
My point is that there is always something here to read, and I enjoy reading most of the blogs even if it is regarding "Who shot first--Han or Greedo" or "Why is Mace's lightsaber purple?"
Saturday, April 21, 2007
What if The Force intended for everything that happened...to happen....
I've been reading a lot of blogs about Anakin lately, my favorite subject and everyone here knows that. It's a "girl thing" like Ami wrote.
It crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, Anakin's wish to save Padme from death, was not so selfish after all. "I can't live without her" he says, but he also knew she was pregnant. What if he was also thinking of saving that child? I like to think so.
I made a comment on PS77's blog re "Heros" that I felt Anakin was two times the hero. 1. He was "The Chosen One" to save the galaxy and 2. He fathered Luke who brought Anakin back to his original purpose.
In VAngel2's blog this morming "Look what love has given us", her comment "Born to rebuild and cleanse the Galaxy from the Emperor's Sinister Rule", I got to thinking. Could Anakin be 3 times the hero? What if the Jedi Order didn't recognize that they were to be destroyed also!
What if The Force intended "The Chosen One" to:
1. Save the Galaxy from The Sith, the Emperor's Rule
2. Save the Galaxy from the Old Jedi Order's theories which were so antiguated.
3. Father Luke so he could (besides saving his father) start a new, fresh Jedi Order
Sort of like a total cleansing, if you will. Some times bad things have to happen for better things to come about.
It crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, Anakin's wish to save Padme from death, was not so selfish after all. "I can't live without her" he says, but he also knew she was pregnant. What if he was also thinking of saving that child? I like to think so.
I made a comment on PS77's blog re "Heros" that I felt Anakin was two times the hero. 1. He was "The Chosen One" to save the galaxy and 2. He fathered Luke who brought Anakin back to his original purpose.
In VAngel2's blog this morming "Look what love has given us", her comment "Born to rebuild and cleanse the Galaxy from the Emperor's Sinister Rule", I got to thinking. Could Anakin be 3 times the hero? What if the Jedi Order didn't recognize that they were to be destroyed also!
What if The Force intended "The Chosen One" to:
1. Save the Galaxy from The Sith, the Emperor's Rule
2. Save the Galaxy from the Old Jedi Order's theories which were so antiguated.
3. Father Luke so he could (besides saving his father) start a new, fresh Jedi Order
Sort of like a total cleansing, if you will. Some times bad things have to happen for better things to come about.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Whose that lady?????Jedilily1026
I'm the 4th of the "girls" who love Anakins character to do this, so for the LILWA and for all my friends here.......
I was born in NYC Bellevue Hosptial. Taken from my mom at birth and placed with a foster family inasmuch as mom was very sick. (But that's another story). In 3 months I'll be 54. The Beatles came on the scene when I was 9. I was in the 6th grade when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated and in high school when man first walked on the Moon and when the NY Mets won their first World Series. Attended Catholic school from kindin to graduation from high school. Never went to college.
At age 19 I left the big city & moved to the island of my ancestors, Puerto Rico. There I finally met my biological father at the age of 22. (That too is another story). My paternal grandparents had a dairy farm in PR. I remember them fondly although I wasn't raised with them.
I married a man 12 yrs my older. Have 4 children, 2 boys now ages 34 & 29, 2 girls 27 & 21. Separated but never divorced. He died in 1997.
Returned to the States in '98. Florida (not Miami). I couldn't return to the cold north. Re-married in 2001, now separated & as you all know getting
a divorce. It's just as well, he never liked or understood SW anyway. Neither of us has filed yet. I guess we're just waiting on each other.
I've been an office worker for 32 years. Presently manage the office, including the accounting, for a small printing press roller company all by myself. I like working alone. I'm kind of a loner. I read, write & speak Spanish also.
I have 12 grandkids ranging in ages 2 to14. 7 boys and 5 girls.The oldest was born with severe cerebal palsey. I don't get to see him as he lives in PR, but he lives in my heart. He's an angel. My youngest daughter lives with me along with her husband and 2 kids. I get to see 3 more of my grandkids frequently as my other daughter & her family live in Miami. My boys live in PR.
In '77 saw ANH. Then went to see ESB&ROTJ when they appeared in the movies. I remember hiding out in the lobby during the ROTJ scene with Jabba the Hutt. I couldn't take it, it made me so nauseous I had to leave until the scene was over. Now I watch it with no problem. I really liked the OT movies but keeping up with my kid's school activities, baseball, boxing, basketball, dancing, my job, etc. I never had the time to become a big fan.
Last year when I heard ROTS was coming out I realized I'd never seen TPM or AOTC. I rented them before seeing ROTS and upon seeing ROTS 5x's in the movies I got hooked b/c of Ani & Padme's love story & here I am. SW is a fantasy and one is never too old to live a fantasy.
Fav. Characaters: PT-Anakin & Padme. OT-Han Solo
Least Fav Character: Jabba the Hutt
Fav Scene PT: AOTC when Padme tells Anakin she loves him (although Anakin shirtless dream in ROTS ain't bad at all). An old lady can dream can't she.
Fav Scene OT: When Luke tells DV he can feel the good in him.
Fav Movie OT: ROTJ FAV Movie PT: toss up b/w AOTC& ROTS
Collect: Action figures and anything else I can get my hands on that's SW related.
Being on this SW site with all of you makes me feel part of the SW family and hope one day we will all meet in a galaxy far, far away. God Bless & MTFBWY ALL
I was born in NYC Bellevue Hosptial. Taken from my mom at birth and placed with a foster family inasmuch as mom was very sick. (But that's another story). In 3 months I'll be 54. The Beatles came on the scene when I was 9. I was in the 6th grade when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated and in high school when man first walked on the Moon and when the NY Mets won their first World Series. Attended Catholic school from kindin to graduation from high school. Never went to college.
At age 19 I left the big city & moved to the island of my ancestors, Puerto Rico. There I finally met my biological father at the age of 22. (That too is another story). My paternal grandparents had a dairy farm in PR. I remember them fondly although I wasn't raised with them.
I married a man 12 yrs my older. Have 4 children, 2 boys now ages 34 & 29, 2 girls 27 & 21. Separated but never divorced. He died in 1997.
Returned to the States in '98. Florida (not Miami). I couldn't return to the cold north. Re-married in 2001, now separated & as you all know getting
a divorce. It's just as well, he never liked or understood SW anyway. Neither of us has filed yet. I guess we're just waiting on each other.
I've been an office worker for 32 years. Presently manage the office, including the accounting, for a small printing press roller company all by myself. I like working alone. I'm kind of a loner. I read, write & speak Spanish also.
I have 12 grandkids ranging in ages 2 to14. 7 boys and 5 girls.The oldest was born with severe cerebal palsey. I don't get to see him as he lives in PR, but he lives in my heart. He's an angel. My youngest daughter lives with me along with her husband and 2 kids. I get to see 3 more of my grandkids frequently as my other daughter & her family live in Miami. My boys live in PR.
In '77 saw ANH. Then went to see ESB&ROTJ when they appeared in the movies. I remember hiding out in the lobby during the ROTJ scene with Jabba the Hutt. I couldn't take it, it made me so nauseous I had to leave until the scene was over. Now I watch it with no problem. I really liked the OT movies but keeping up with my kid's school activities, baseball, boxing, basketball, dancing, my job, etc. I never had the time to become a big fan.
Last year when I heard ROTS was coming out I realized I'd never seen TPM or AOTC. I rented them before seeing ROTS and upon seeing ROTS 5x's in the movies I got hooked b/c of Ani & Padme's love story & here I am. SW is a fantasy and one is never too old to live a fantasy.
Fav. Characaters: PT-Anakin & Padme. OT-Han Solo
Least Fav Character: Jabba the Hutt
Fav Scene PT: AOTC when Padme tells Anakin she loves him (although Anakin shirtless dream in ROTS ain't bad at all). An old lady can dream can't she.
Fav Scene OT: When Luke tells DV he can feel the good in him.
Fav Movie OT: ROTJ FAV Movie PT: toss up b/w AOTC& ROTS
Collect: Action figures and anything else I can get my hands on that's SW related.
Being on this SW site with all of you makes me feel part of the SW family and hope one day we will all meet in a galaxy far, far away. God Bless & MTFBWY ALL
STAR WARS. No, not the movie.
Recently on the front page of a rag tabloid the words Starwars caught my eye. As anything SW stops me in my tracks, I stopped and looked but it had nothing to do with the Galaxy I love so much.
The article had to to with the recent wave of TV personalities leaving the "limelight" or just moving on to different shows. Why can't they just say goodbye and leave already? I'm not glued to the TV set and I'm sure most of the fans here aren't either. But I've seen some of the antics these so called stars are pulling just by flipping through the channels on TV.
Some examples: "Star" resigned at the wrong time p---ing off Barbara then goes on "Larry" pleading her case only p---ing Barbara off a little more. "Connie" propped on top of a piano singing "Thanks for the Memories". What possessed her to make such a fool of herself. She can't sing worth a damn and is certainly not a comedian. Katie, from that morning show, has been saying goodbye for months now with montages of her work, champagne parties and other celebrities singing her praises. And "Meredith" from that show (you know the name...look around) whipping out an underpant with the faces of her co-hosts ironed on the backside. What causes this behaviour??? Why are they so full of themselves??? And who cares?????? I don't. I'm just using this this as an example of what COULD have happened in a movie like SW EP3.
Padme, a main character in the PT had to leave. Now I not stating that any of the personalities mentioned above should leave by dying. Please remember SW is a fantasy and none of the actors really died in the movies. Just Imagine if you will, Padme after Anakin's turning, before giving birth and before dying, pleading her case before the Senate and having the whole Galaxy feel her pain of Anakin's betrayal?. What if she went to a local club on Courasant and posed on top of a piano singing "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne. Or gave a montage of her finest moments in the Senate. No, I don't think so. I felt she was a humble worman for a Queen and a Senator and none of these scenarios would have been in her character. Maybe some of these real TV characters should take this example. Leave quietly with dignity and get out of our faces.
I also have a question and hope you can give your opinions?? What did Padme die of? She was perfectly healthy. Not even the responsibility of raising her children saved her and that's most women's first priority. Broken heart???? Ashamed of her "liaison" with Anankin after his evildoings. Not able to live with the criticism???? After seeing the movie in the theatre, I thought why did she have to die. Couldn't GL make the funeral procession scene a hoax to mislead the Sith until the 2 remaining Jedi had a chance to hide her and the twins. But it would not have been in sync with the OT. I can only imagine what could have happened if she had the chance to live.
The article had to to with the recent wave of TV personalities leaving the "limelight" or just moving on to different shows. Why can't they just say goodbye and leave already? I'm not glued to the TV set and I'm sure most of the fans here aren't either. But I've seen some of the antics these so called stars are pulling just by flipping through the channels on TV.
Some examples: "Star" resigned at the wrong time p---ing off Barbara then goes on "Larry" pleading her case only p---ing Barbara off a little more. "Connie" propped on top of a piano singing "Thanks for the Memories". What possessed her to make such a fool of herself. She can't sing worth a damn and is certainly not a comedian. Katie, from that morning show, has been saying goodbye for months now with montages of her work, champagne parties and other celebrities singing her praises. And "Meredith" from that show (you know the name...look around) whipping out an underpant with the faces of her co-hosts ironed on the backside. What causes this behaviour??? Why are they so full of themselves??? And who cares?????? I don't. I'm just using this this as an example of what COULD have happened in a movie like SW EP3.
Padme, a main character in the PT had to leave. Now I not stating that any of the personalities mentioned above should leave by dying. Please remember SW is a fantasy and none of the actors really died in the movies. Just Imagine if you will, Padme after Anakin's turning, before giving birth and before dying, pleading her case before the Senate and having the whole Galaxy feel her pain of Anakin's betrayal?. What if she went to a local club on Courasant and posed on top of a piano singing "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne. Or gave a montage of her finest moments in the Senate. No, I don't think so. I felt she was a humble worman for a Queen and a Senator and none of these scenarios would have been in her character. Maybe some of these real TV characters should take this example. Leave quietly with dignity and get out of our faces.
I also have a question and hope you can give your opinions?? What did Padme die of? She was perfectly healthy. Not even the responsibility of raising her children saved her and that's most women's first priority. Broken heart???? Ashamed of her "liaison" with Anankin after his evildoings. Not able to live with the criticism???? After seeing the movie in the theatre, I thought why did she have to die. Couldn't GL make the funeral procession scene a hoax to mislead the Sith until the 2 remaining Jedi had a chance to hide her and the twins. But it would not have been in sync with the OT. I can only imagine what could have happened if she had the chance to live.
I received my first ever SW Insider Magazine today. It's #87 tho
Now if they'll only only let me have it. My granddaugher went with me to the mail box (big mistake) & saw it. OOOHHHH Obi-Wan she said and grabbed it from me. She's looking at all pictures telling me who is who.
My grandson (2yrs old) is in cahoots with her lightsaber in hand (yes I bought him a plastic one at MGM this past weekend) and I can't get to it.
You see what I've created and sooooo young. Now I'll lock myself in my room to be alone so I can read it, if I can get it away from them. As you can see no point to this blog but this is my Journal of everything SW so I have a right. "I think" MTFBWU all.
My grandson (2yrs old) is in cahoots with her lightsaber in hand (yes I bought him a plastic one at MGM this past weekend) and I can't get to it.
You see what I've created and sooooo young. Now I'll lock myself in my room to be alone so I can read it, if I can get it away from them. As you can see no point to this blog but this is my Journal of everything SW so I have a right. "I think" MTFBWU all.
CONGRATS to MO2YP & P77. I see your blogs' on the front page.
Just a report on my week-end adventure to MGM-FL for SW week-end. Stayed at HOJO, got a good rate on-line $49.95 a night. DId you ever notice the cheaper the hotel the worse the towels. They were like small
pieces of sand paper. My daugther and her two padawans ages 2&4 accompanied me. How they can scream and cry so much in 9 hours is beyond me. Found myself getting a little nervous.
Anyway, MGM packed. Lots of costumed characters walking around. Darth Maul, Palpy with his guards, Anakin scar on face & all who, by the way, looked quite like HC but shorter. Took a double-take. Got my picture taken with the biggest Darth Vader I've ever seen. Lines were too long to see the featured actors but I got pictures. I'm not computer savy so can't post any of them.
I didn't get into Millionaire-SW version b/c it was packed. Did see the interview Warwick Davis had with Rick McCallum, J Bullock & T.Morrison.
The voice of Obi-Wan interrupting at key moments during the interview. When they all put on gold sequened Mickey Mouse ears and sang & danced the MM Club theme Obi-Wan's voice says " I sense a great distrubance in the force". Very funny. Jango Fett & Boba Fett poking fun at each other as father & son. They also showed clips of the movies.
I bought a Jedi Mickey, a SW t-shirt (my first) and a plastic light saber for my 2 yr old grandson. Most of the stuff was half off. Only E-Wok key chains were available. Not too much merchandise for sale. I bought a SW mug for my coffee in the morning. Now maybe the force will accompany me all day long. I could use it, especially this week.
Well, very tired. So much walking & sweating in that heat. Also the driving 3 hours to & from. I need a week to rest. I'll put a sign on my desk. "GO AWAY". BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. SOOO sorry.... if I bored you all. MTFBWU ALL.
Just a report on my week-end adventure to MGM-FL for SW week-end. Stayed at HOJO, got a good rate on-line $49.95 a night. DId you ever notice the cheaper the hotel the worse the towels. They were like small
pieces of sand paper. My daugther and her two padawans ages 2&4 accompanied me. How they can scream and cry so much in 9 hours is beyond me. Found myself getting a little nervous.
Anyway, MGM packed. Lots of costumed characters walking around. Darth Maul, Palpy with his guards, Anakin scar on face & all who, by the way, looked quite like HC but shorter. Took a double-take. Got my picture taken with the biggest Darth Vader I've ever seen. Lines were too long to see the featured actors but I got pictures. I'm not computer savy so can't post any of them.
I didn't get into Millionaire-SW version b/c it was packed. Did see the interview Warwick Davis had with Rick McCallum, J Bullock & T.Morrison.
The voice of Obi-Wan interrupting at key moments during the interview. When they all put on gold sequened Mickey Mouse ears and sang & danced the MM Club theme Obi-Wan's voice says " I sense a great distrubance in the force". Very funny. Jango Fett & Boba Fett poking fun at each other as father & son. They also showed clips of the movies.
I bought a Jedi Mickey, a SW t-shirt (my first) and a plastic light saber for my 2 yr old grandson. Most of the stuff was half off. Only E-Wok key chains were available. Not too much merchandise for sale. I bought a SW mug for my coffee in the morning. Now maybe the force will accompany me all day long. I could use it, especially this week.
Well, very tired. So much walking & sweating in that heat. Also the driving 3 hours to & from. I need a week to rest. I'll put a sign on my desk. "GO AWAY". BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. SOOO sorry.... if I bored you all. MTFBWU ALL.
So many books. I felt so dumb and afraid to admit it
After a blog of mine on Padme's Seductive Clothing, viagoangel2 mentioned she read AOTC.(By the way angel2, thanks). Her comments interested me especially about the love story between u know who. I'm a sucker for a good love story.
I've read many books that have later been made into movies and for me the books are much better. Movies can't get all the details, descripitions, back stories, etc into 2 hours or so.
So today I went to the bookstore and was overwhelmed but most of all I FELT SO DUMB
I have been reading all of your blogs re Starwars books and I imagined that books existed for each of the 6 Starwars movies but I never knew sooooooo many others existed. WOW.
I bought AOTC hardcover at $4.97 on sale and Labyrinth of Evil in paperback (everyone knows how expensive books have gotten lately). I start reading tonight.
Also the WORLD CUP starts next Friday . HURRAY.
So much to read, so many soccer games to see.
I've read many books that have later been made into movies and for me the books are much better. Movies can't get all the details, descripitions, back stories, etc into 2 hours or so.
So today I went to the bookstore and was overwhelmed but most of all I FELT SO DUMB
I have been reading all of your blogs re Starwars books and I imagined that books existed for each of the 6 Starwars movies but I never knew sooooooo many others existed. WOW.
I bought AOTC hardcover at $4.97 on sale and Labyrinth of Evil in paperback (everyone knows how expensive books have gotten lately). I start reading tonight.
Also the WORLD CUP starts next Friday . HURRAY.
So much to read, so many soccer games to see.
Padme's Seductive Clothing in AOTC
While watching AOTC my daughter and I have joked many times about Padme's selection of outfits while on Naboo with her Jedi protector at her side. Not because they're funny but because of the signals they send to Anakin yet she always said NOOOOOOOO.
Okay, we have the one with her back out when he kissed her. Very pretty, flowing, feminine. No wonder he kissed her. Here is a young man??? about 18 years old (raging hormones) doing exactly what's expected of him under the circumstances. If I dressed that way and my boyfirend didn't kiss me I'd be insulted. Then in her (I'll say living room) on the couch with her breasts (I hope I can say that here) popping out of that very tight black dress saying "No we can't". Yet she's like throwing them at him. Next morning she's in her nightgown hair down & flowing all over the place. Poor Anankin. Seems like she's teasing him.
Then they go to seek his mother. She's a little more covered, but still her
belly's showing in that (I'll say blue/green) outfit. And last, when they fly off to "save" Obi-Wan, a white skin tight pant suit that conveniently rips in the middle showing off her waist. But yet her face looked so innocent. Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of Padme & her part in Starwars..
Don't you think she was trying to get Ani to fall in love with her? and I don't blame her with that Monument of a Man. Was that the point? If it's been said before, forgive me. MTFBWU ALL
Okay, we have the one with her back out when he kissed her. Very pretty, flowing, feminine. No wonder he kissed her. Here is a young man??? about 18 years old (raging hormones) doing exactly what's expected of him under the circumstances. If I dressed that way and my boyfirend didn't kiss me I'd be insulted. Then in her (I'll say living room) on the couch with her breasts (I hope I can say that here) popping out of that very tight black dress saying "No we can't". Yet she's like throwing them at him. Next morning she's in her nightgown hair down & flowing all over the place. Poor Anankin. Seems like she's teasing him.
Then they go to seek his mother. She's a little more covered, but still her
belly's showing in that (I'll say blue/green) outfit. And last, when they fly off to "save" Obi-Wan, a white skin tight pant suit that conveniently rips in the middle showing off her waist. But yet her face looked so innocent. Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of Padme & her part in Starwars..
Don't you think she was trying to get Ani to fall in love with her? and I don't blame her with that Monument of a Man. Was that the point? If it's been said before, forgive me. MTFBWU ALL
Today marks the 6 (month anniversary) of the separation from my husband and I still cannot get over the fact that I let myself be deceived.
Today is a turning point in my life. I'm just now coming to terms that there will be a divorce.. Five years ago, I married till death do us part and my husband's agenda?? Till green card do us part. The first year of our marriage was wonderful. The other four were full of signs to that effect and looking back over those years I now realize that I refused to accept them. Do you think Padme saw the signs but refused to accept them???
I'm a middle aged woman, strong in character, raised 4 children on my own, worked all my life, you get the picture. So how did I let myself be duped by this man? I was blind by choice!!!. I still find myself crying ocassionally. Not for him tho. I just can't get over the fact that I let myself be used. Can't get over the fact that a person is married for 5 years and doesn't care for you at all. How could I have been so stupid??? . My daughters believe I'm a rock and don't understand my feelings therefore I cannot talk to them. They see me as Mom not a woman. ANYWAY
This blog (my first ) is to THANK ALL OF YOU. Reading your blogs, limiricks, jokes and opinions among other personal interests really helps me by taking my mind off this situation. I know I'll get over it sooner than I think. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN. MTFBWY
Today is a turning point in my life. I'm just now coming to terms that there will be a divorce.. Five years ago, I married till death do us part and my husband's agenda?? Till green card do us part. The first year of our marriage was wonderful. The other four were full of signs to that effect and looking back over those years I now realize that I refused to accept them. Do you think Padme saw the signs but refused to accept them???
I'm a middle aged woman, strong in character, raised 4 children on my own, worked all my life, you get the picture. So how did I let myself be duped by this man? I was blind by choice!!!. I still find myself crying ocassionally. Not for him tho. I just can't get over the fact that I let myself be used. Can't get over the fact that a person is married for 5 years and doesn't care for you at all. How could I have been so stupid??? . My daughters believe I'm a rock and don't understand my feelings therefore I cannot talk to them. They see me as Mom not a woman. ANYWAY
This blog (my first ) is to THANK ALL OF YOU. Reading your blogs, limiricks, jokes and opinions among other personal interests really helps me by taking my mind off this situation. I know I'll get over it sooner than I think. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN. MTFBWY
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Star Wars is my love. When I was younger about 24-25 years old, A New Hope, the first SW movie, were released. It was a phenomenon. Something never seen before on the big screen. Years later The Empire Strikes Back and about 3 years after that Return of the Jedi was released. I do remember taking 3 of my 4 children (the youngest wasn't even thought of at that time) to the movie theater to see Return of the Jedi. The scenes with Jabba the Hut made me so nauseous that I had to retreat to the lobby of the theater until the scene was over. Funny huh.
At that time I was not a fan. Oh, I knew of the movies, been to the movies when they were first released and some of the characters but that was all I had time for raising 4 kids at the time.
Now my children are grown and I have so much time on my hands. In 2005 just before the release of Revenge of the Sith was released (btw Revenge of the Sith is the last movie of the Prequel Trilogy) and since I had not seen Episode 1 and 2, The Phantom Menance and Attack of the Clones respectively, I decided to rent them. I loved them, especially the love story between Anakin and Padme. When I saw Revenge of the Sith I was totally hooked.
A year later I joined Hyperspace, the Star Wars Official Fan Club and opened a blog there. I post blogs over there now and again. I must say I have found a lot of interesting friends from all over this country (US) and in Holland, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico well from almost everywhere.These friends all share a love of Star Wars. I'm having the time of my life.
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